• To help provide skills enabling women to supplement their income by establishing training centers and industrial homes.

  • To create awareness about personal hygiene, child care and planned parenthood by providing medical assistance and establishing medical centers and dispensaries.

  • To teach basic skills such as reading and writing by providing an adult literacy center and a well equipped library.

  • To emphasize environmental issues and obligations by arranging talks and discussions.

  • To purchase or take on lease any property for any of the purposes of the Association.

  • To accept any gift, grant, donation, equipment, and building machinery for use of the Association.

  • To raise funds and arrange financial assistance for the objectives of the Association by getting loans/contributions from private or government financial institutions.

  • To invest any money of the Association not immediately required for any of its objectives in such a manner as can be determined by the general body.

  • To cooperate with national and international groups, organizations and individuals engaged in the promotion of women rights and to participate in the meetings and conferences of women empowerment at home and abroad.

  • To print, publish and distribute materials for the objectives of the Association and coordinate with electronic and print media, organizations and persons when deemed necessary.


To bring a meaningful change in the lives of girls and women in the community – through education,
employability and entrepreneur skills.